Food Poisoning: A Review

Food poisoning sucks. Seriously. It’s so unnecessary. It seriously seriously sucks to have it. I can’t recommend it at all. I would recommend that you don’t get it, actually.

However, it’s probably going to happen. I can remember a time, back in the old days, when I was a young gallivanting explorer, naive in the ways of food preparation, when I was visiting Luxor, Egypt. The restaurant we were supposed to eat lunch at was closed for no reason at all, which was quite common in those days. Continue reading “Food Poisoning: A Review” »

Visiting a New Country Without Even Leaving Home

It started with the cab driver complaining about how hard and impossible it would be to take me to AT&T Park. “Oh, my friend,” the Indian cab driver complained, just like the ones in India do, “there is simply no way for me to be getting you there. It is like parking lot.” He acted as if I’d jumped into his car and announced I was going to perform a root canal on him. Continue reading “Visiting a New Country Without Even Leaving Home” »