Travel – Then and Now

A recent essay I published brought back to me how much and how quickly travel is changing. And how quickly history is forgotten. Unless you’re watching an old movie (wow! people went to baseball games in 3-piece suits?) or looking at old pictures, technology and time can sneak up on you–and you realize that fond memory of yours sounds like complete gibberish to someone of a younger generation.  Continue reading “Travel – Then and Now” »

Man Vs. Technology At The San Francisco Airport

San Francisco is a petri dish of unnecessary technology innovation. So I shouldn’t have been surprised, upon arrival at San Francisco’s International Terminal, for my United flight, to see a huge line of people ushered along by a few human beings into a vast throng of kiosks. I’m used to kiosks. I bear them some ill will; but I don’t hate them. Especially if I’m going on a short trip and I’m carrying on.  Continue reading “Man Vs. Technology At The San Francisco Airport” »