Rise of the Air Zombie

Today I flew a brand new airplane operated by Delta. I paid the extra money to sit in what they are calling “Economy Comfort.” I’ve flown it once before on an overseas flight–but I had an exit row seat, so I couldn’t tell how much “extra” legroom they give you. Well, I can now say none. Continue reading “Rise of the Air Zombie” »

Man Vs. Technology At The San Francisco Airport

San Francisco is a petri dish of unnecessary technology innovation. So I shouldn’t have been surprised, upon arrival at San Francisco’s International Terminal, for my United flight, to see a huge line of people ushered along by a few human beings into a vast throng of kiosks. I’m used to kiosks. I bear them some ill will; but I don’t hate them. Especially if I’m going on a short trip and I’m carrying on.  Continue reading “Man Vs. Technology At The San Francisco Airport” »